Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tumaini Safari 2012!

Enormous thanks to Mama Karen Albert and the Just Ladies Travel Club for providing us the funding to take 49 children, two mamas, 4 volunteers, Katy, Oddo and I on a WONDERFUL safari of the Ngorongoro Crater AND Tarangire National Park where we stayed over in their hostel. The photos speak for themselves I think!!

And the gang's all here!!  49 children . . . 62 in total!  Safari kubwa!!

Mama Teri (USA) and Bibi Janet (USA)

A happy busful!!!!
But the other 4 hours they HUNT!

Does she look hungry?

Right outside our bus . . .

Why do they call him the laughing hyena?  He doesn't look that funny to me!

A Mama Wildebeest running her newborn calf . . .

Mama Dee on a bad day . . .

What are all those kids doing????

I think she smells our peanut butter!!!

My co photographer Kelvin

After a bath . . .

How lucky were we to see all this?????

Katy and Bryson . . .

Two teen Maasai wandering warriors . . .

From inside the crater . . .

Just before Lohai went down with malaria . . .

Look close . . . an elephant watering hole and oh what a vista!

King of the Savannah

Hubby and wives . . .

Harriri says thank you to Mama Karen and The Just Ladies Travel Club . . .

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